Monday, August 24, 2009

Rainy Paris

So this morning it rained, putting a damper on some of my plans, which incidentally were mixed up anyway since the Musee d'Orsay is closed on Mondays. Anyway, this afternoon it lightened up and I made my way to Ile de Cite and the Seine before heading to Notre Dame Cathedral. There were plenty of people waiting in line to climb the 402 steps, but it was well worth it to get some shots of the gargoyles. I also went inside the cathedral while they were holding vespers where I lit a candle and said a little prayer. The rose windows were not as brilliantly illuminated as I had hoped since it had become overcast again, but they were lovely nonetheless. As I was sitting in the the courtyard of the church I met a Frenchman who is an English teacher named Acene. We had a chat about languages over a cup of coffee and we also discussed the delicacies of French versus American courtesies. As we parted ways he gave me his info in hopes I would make plans to meet up, perhaps-though Luke thinks I shouldn't... and maybe he's right. But, I will call to thank him for some good advice and conversation.

Tomorrow calls for sunnier skies so perhaps I'll get some shots of the arc d'triumph and the Eiffel Tower. until then, enjoy some pics from Notre Dame!

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