Saturday, August 22, 2009

Paris Day 2

So this morning started with a cafe au lait and omlette mixte at Au Pere Tranquille, which was chosen for convenience sake. I thought the food was quite good (it's pretty hard to screw up eggs, no?) Then I was off to the open air markets of Montroguile just a few minutes form the apartment in Marais. I wandered through several public gardens before stopping in a chocolateier for a little nibble. I proceeded to wander the streets whipping out my camera to shoot some cool buildings and the some really interesting doors.
The doors in Paris look like entrances into timewarps: they're aged and unique and yet they all have digicodes (security intercoms) situated right next to them. The door to the apartment I'm staying in is layered with blue paint, the current color being aquamarine with a precariously centered gold knob.
I spent the rest of the afternoon getting lost enough to whip out my iphone for directions back the apartment but not before another cafe at Art et Metiers. I finally made it back around 5:30 with salad fixings, pasta and chicken for dinner, une petit baguette, fromage and a pain du chocolate for dessert. I have some wine left over from yesterday that I bought at the local Supermarche while picking up some toiletries. So it's a homemade dinner for tonight and later on I'm headed to a place just up the street that the previous tenant recommended called Lizard Lounge.

1 comment:

  1. Have you had an derogatory remarks due to being American, or do they love Americans now that Obama is in place?
