Saturday, August 22, 2009

I've never

I've never been very good at keeping up with things like this. "This" being any form of technology-based pseudo social interaction. For all I know people could care less how often I update my tweets or change my facebook profile or even make a post. But I'll assume someone cares, even if it's just for the sake of posterity, I'll try to keep up.

So since I'm giving this a go why not an explanation:
We'll start with the basics: for those of you who know me my name is constantly being misspelled, hence the blog title. That should clear up any future misspellings...or not. I'm writing this blog in an attempt to do two things:

1. Keep in touch with folks at home while I'm in Paris
2. Keep a record of my visit

That's not to say I won't use it past my stay but I'll be happy if I manage to do just those two things. So without further ado: Paris.

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