Sunday, August 23, 2009

Paris: More Than Just Coffee and Wine

So I realized after my post yesterday that all of the photos I posted were of beverages. I promise I'm not getting overly caffeinated or crunked while I'm here. Just to prove it, I'll load some other pictures that I took today at the Louvre. I was surprised how easily I made it to two out of three of their prized pieces: the Winged Victory and the Venus de Milo, alas I needed some direction to the great room where the Mona Lisa is held. I picked up an audio guide for a mere 5Euros and was treated to some in depth info on the three pieces previously mentioned and some info on pieces I came across that I simply found interesting. I'm starting to get the hang of the streets here and was able to find my way back to the apartment without a map! (that's huge for me, considering every street is named Rue Something and hardly any of them run in a straight line).

There was one letdown at the Louvre: the interior exit leads to a small wing of a shopping mall! Imagine my surprise to exit the Louvre and the ground floor gift shop to see a Sephora and Espirit! While some see convenience I was more than mildly disturbed at the intrusion of modern commercialism mixed in with my art. But I quickly got over it when I spotted a "pay as you go" restroom. You pay one Euro to use the facilities and they sell things like fancy water bottles and printed toilet paper. (The hot pink rolls with the poodles printed on them immediately caught my eye!) Unfortuately, I just realized I took every picture with my "good" camera and I forgot the USB cable back home. C'est la vie! I'll be sure to take some more iphone pics tomorrow so you can see what I see.

Tomorrow will be packed with stops at the Ile de Cite and St Louis, Notre Dame and the Musee D'Orsay. Until then, bon nuit!

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